Over the past weekend, Madlug went viral after social media influencer 'Part-Time Working Mummy' shared the Madlug story with her 480,000 Facebook followers. 'Part-Time Working Mummy,' also known as Rachaele Hambleton, experienced the care system herself as a child. In her post, she shared her experience with black bin bags:

The day social services told me I was being placed into foster care I was allowed to go home and collect my belongings which were ready and waiting for me in two black bin bags.
I moved foster placements three times during my childhood and each time I loaded up my black bags to move from family to family....

Rachaele went on to share the Madlug story of providing young people in the care system with bags so that they can make their way in life with dignity. The response to this post has been incredible. We have been inundated with pledges for Gift-a-Bags and orders on products. The incredible response to this post means Madlug will be able to support literally thousands of young people in care with bags. We have also completely sold out of stock over the weekend, as you can see from our website!

We have been overwhelmed with this response and are so so thankful to you, our customers and supporters, for this amazing support.

We are working hard to fulfil all the orders and get stock back in as soon as possible. We ask you for your patience as we work to meet this unprecedented demand!

Many of you have been asking us when we will have stock back in. The best way to stay informed about stock updates is by signing up to our mailing list below or by entering your email into the option bar beside the product you are interested in on our website.

We are also keen to keep the momentum going on this journey. We have a vision to completely remove the use of black bin bags in the movement of young people within the care system but we need to keep growing to make this a reality. Keep sharing the Madlug story and supporting us, and together, we can show young people in care that they are incredible.

Josh Norton


Marsha Mars said:

Interested in the back packs when they are back in stock xxx

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Your purchase makes a difference

With every bag you buy, a pack-away travel bag goes to a child in care. Because no child should carry their life in a bin bag.